As time passes, the connective tissue loses its vitality and strength, resulting in the occurrence of wrinkles and sagging skin. Cosmetic acupuncture is a non-invasive method, which reduces the signs of ageing and activates the ability to regenerate the skin on the face and body. The skin acquires a more youthful, firm texture, and a unique glow and tone, while at the same time fighting loose skin and improving the retention of liquids and moisturisation. Treatment is painless and leaves the skin looking clearly more glowing and relaxed.
How does cosmetic acupuncture work?
Cosmetic acupuncture intervenes in all layers of the skin and not only on the surface, reaching even the muscle layers of the face, thus working internally to affect the body’s natural healing and rejuvenation process, resulting in the overall regeneration of the skin’s layers and in the delay of skin ageing.
In particular, cosmetic acupuncture:
- regulates vascular tone and increases local macrocirculation of the blood, thus getting rid of toxic substances and reducing oedemas, dehydration and spider veins
- improves the microcirculation of the blood and activates cell mitochondria, thus resulting in the activation of the detoxification mechanisms and the regeneration of the skin
- stimulates fibroblasts and the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, which make the skin firmer and more elastic, and help to fill wrinkles
- re-programs the regeneration of skin cells, thus resulting in their more frequent replacement with new cells
- regulates the neuroendocrine-immune system, thus resulting in the avoidance of pathological conditions
- helps loosened muscles under the skin regain their natural muscle tone so as to eliminate skin loosening and to soften wrinkles
The results if cosmetic acupuncture:
- Elimination of fine lines, reduction of deeper wrinkles and smoothening of expression wrinkles
- Reduction of oedemas and dark circles under the eyes, as well as dehydration
- Tightening of skin pores
- Improvement of acne
- Reduction of spider veins
- Activation and strengthening of muscle groups, increase in muscle tone and lifting / tightening of the face
- Delay in ageing of the face
- In-depth rejuvenation, improvement of the skin’s quality and elasticity, thus giving the skin a youthful glow
- Tightening of the tracheal area
- Improvement of age spots
- Activation of detoxification mechanisms through lymphatic drainage
- Overall sense of relaxation, rejuvenation and less stress
Why choose cosmetic acupuncture?
Cosmetic acupuncture is a natural and completely painless procedure, which improves the skin’s image without presenting complications (e.g. scars, deformation) or requiring skin rehabilitation time, injections or pharmaceutical substances. As opposed to other invasive treatments (e.g. cosmetic surgery, botox, hyaluronic acid injections), cosmetic acupuncture affects the whole face in depth and costs less. The aim of cosmetic acupuncture is not only to eliminate lines and wrinkles immediately, but mainly to improve the skin’s health, and to tighten it and give it a glow. Another very important fact is that the results can last for a very long time.
The average number of sessions needed is 10-15 and approximately 1-2 times a week. Regular maintenance treatments over the following period are also recommended so as to enhance the reproduction of new epithelial cells. Each session lasts from 40 to 60 minutes. An integrated treatment programme includes various types of needles before acupuncture, treatment involving instant face lift massage by applying Gua Sha Massage and Rolling Lifting, and the use of collagen cream.
The results are clear even from the first application and treatments are completed in the first few months; they have a long-term duration and last up to two years after treatment (coupled with maintenance treatment).
Similarly, these techniques are also applied in order to deal with physical problems, such as total weight loss, reduction of localised fat, cellulite, reduction of stomach fat, double chin, etc. In this case systemic and localised acupuncture are combined to restore the smooth flow of energy and the lymphatic system, with the aim of achieving local decongestion and firming, as well as reduction of localised fat and its redistribution.